Brand Warranty Support

Product quality is our top priority. All of our items undergo strict quality control and testing to ensure that we meet all safety standards in all of the countries our products sold. We are incredibly committed to providing safe working environments and hold our manufacturing partners from around the world to strict standards. We have extensive product warranties and a dedicated customer service department to help our customers with any questions. Please click on the brand for which you require support and fill out a warranty submission.

Aria Beauty Hair Styling Tools
Aria Beauty

With Aria Beauty Hair Styling Tools, there is non-damaging heat applied to the hair, because they have a different type of heating device inside them. They use a new kind of technology, visible Infrared Heat.

Relaxus Beauty
Relaxus Beauty

Discover on-trend beauty and lifestyle products for everybody. We have a uniquely curated collection of hair tools, brushes, cleansing tools, face rollers, sonic cleansing brushes, makeup and nail products.

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